Saturday, February 14, 2009


Given my last blog, you may be curious how Mark did on Valentine's Day.  

Let's see...
  • He came home yesterday w/ a heart-shaped box of chocolate and a smirky smile on his face.
  • My card read, "I love you, but I'm not writing a note."
  • He redeemed himself with a great necklace!  :)
I guess this is why it's easier to tell other people what to do than to tell your own husband.  That's still fine with me.  I'm glad he doesn't do what I tell him to - it wouldn't be as fun if he did.


Unknown said...


Since you're offering the V-Day advice, help me out with this one:

My wife left on Thursday for back-to-back gigs in Wisconsin. She'll be back Sunday, the day after Valentine's Day. On the day she returns, I'm playing a concert with the Indianapolis Symphony, meaning we can't have a Sunday night 1-day delay of the celebration.

What to do? What to do?


Baffled in Bloomington

No Plumbing said...

Dear Baffled,

Print up a big sign with the #14 on it. Tell her you stopped time, because you just couldn't bear to celebrate Valentine's Day without her.

It's a little cheesy, but maybe she likes wine and cheese.

Pharmgirl said...

Actually, the correct response is to assume that anything you would have either done for her or given her on the 14th is accruing interest. That means, if you would have taken her to Chili's and given her a Seiko watch, you are now up to dinner at St. Elmo's and something very sparkly.

Actually, late is never bad in these circumstances. When you're this busy, it earns extra credit to still remember.