Monday, March 9, 2009


Okay, so I've had a few friends notice that I've avoided the topic of my overall health the past couple of weeks.  Before I start complaining, I'll preface it by saying that I feel so much better than I ever dreamed I would feel 2 months out of surgery.  Keep in mind that my friend who had this surgery was still taking 2 to 3 hour naps every day at this point and a lot of people aren't even back at work full time until 3 to 4 months out.  There, disclaimer said!

I'm tired.  Daylight savings isn't helping, but I was tired even before the time change. This is getting better with time.

My head hurts.  It's a superficial pain - just under the surface of the skull.  It's odd because it even hurts in places where I didn't have the surgery.  It's not severe and it only comes when I'm very tired.

I'm more irritable than usual.  It usually takes a LOT to get me rattled - a LOT - as in, I have super human freakish abilities to not get rattled.  I sometimes get rattled now when I'm tired.  Not very often and it's not severe, but I notice that things bother me that normally would not.  Little things - like people not doing what they're supposed to do when they're supposed to do it.  Funny - a friend of mine said that maybe I'm more normal.  But again, this is getting better and like w/ the pain, it's really only present when I'm very tired, like today.

But I'm also blessed.  I'm playing with my girls again.  I spent last weekend at Holiday World running through an indoor water park with screaming kids and had a great time.  I'm working on a project that I  couldn't have done 3 months ago - it's a project I certainly wouldn't have entrusted to a fainting goat!  And I'm loving every minute of it, even when I'm tired.  God has surrounded me with beautiful people who I care about and who care about me, so they forgive me when I'm irritable, tired, and a pain.  :)  And yes, to answer your questions for the 16,000th time, I am overdoing it some. (Even though it doesn't seem like it, I do appreciate the concern and care.)  But come on, I CAN overdo it now.  The year before the surgery is a series of blurs so I'm sure that some of me is making up for lost time.  I promise to watch out for warning signs and not cause harm to myself or those around me, but let's face it, I wouldn't be the me who you care about if I gave up easily, would I?????


Mariandy said...

If anyone can overdo it, it's YOU! :-)

Alena said...

It is certainly reasonable to accept illness. All of us our own enemies by setting unrealistic standards..i.e. Superwoman Syndrome?!? Just because you take time to care for yourself doesn't make you a bad person. You can only be your best if you truly take care of your own body by heading its warnings. You are doing a fabulous job considering your surgery, being a mom, wife, daughter,career woman...

Gary Timpe said...

Stacey - you totally crack me up! I love that your friend said you are starting to become normal now :) It amazes me the strength you have now - knowing the project, it requires super human strength & flexibility. I also love that you have this platfrom to praise where your strength comes from, and I love having the privilege to read it!