Monday, April 13, 2009


I hit a significant milestone today.  I did 100 push-ups!!!!!  Honestly, 100.  Like 1 more than 99.  And no one had to call an ambulance afterward.  As I sit to write this blog, I have to admit that I'm overwhelmed with happiness.  

Last year, I spent many morning getting up at 4:30 a.m. so that I could be at the Lilly gym by 6:00 for bootcamp.  I was determined to get into good shape.  Surprisingly, I actually liked it.  However, by late summer, the SCD symptoms started to accelerate and I struggled greatly - but hung on for a couple more months out of determination.  Sadly, that came to an end in the Fall, when the exertion caused me to start to pass out one day.  That was the last time I exercised in 2008.

In February of this year, a few weeks after surgery, I started trying to exercise again but could only do about 2 minutes at a time.  Most attempts ended in great frustration and sometimes in tears because I feared that I simply would never be strong again.  

Then in early March, I was finally able to start a workout program (P90).  It's kind of like an in-home bootcamp, which was perfect because I could go at my own pace.  In the beginning, I would collapse after only 10 push-ups.  And embarrassingly, I lifted Campbell soup cans for weights because anything else was too heavy.   But over time, my strength has returned and tonight I hit the big milestone of 100 push-ups!  Can you believe it?????

Today, I'm thankful for my strength and health.  The Easter season is about resurrection and renewal and is a perfect reflection of the many gifts that have been given to me - to us - this year.  What a miracle.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Wow that is great! You got me beat by double digits!